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Cart Cleaning
Questo mercante era online l'ultima volta September 2, 2012

dettagli del mercante

visto l'ultima volta: September 2, 2012
precedentemente online sino: September 1, 2012 at 13:39
id del mercante: 5763
ultima posizione: Prontera [164 / 98]

status mercante class prezzo quantità
OFF Alcohol September 2, 2012 Alcohol other 34.999 zeny 90 pezzi
OFF Glove[1] September 2, 2012 Glove[1] accessory 5.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Heart of Mermaid September 2, 2012 Heart of Mermaid other 4.995 zeny 27 pezzi
OFF Golden Anvil September 2, 2012 Golden Anvil other 400.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Nine Tails September 2, 2012 Nine Tails other 25.000 zeny 127 pezzi
OFF Adventurer's Suit[1] September 2, 2012 Adventurer's Suit[1] armor 15.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Nurse Cap September 2, 2012 Nurse Cap headgear 29.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Elunium September 2, 2012 Elunium other 97.999 zeny 18 pezzi
OFF Jellopy September 2, 2012 Jellopy other 2.800 zeny 46 pezzi
OFF Dark Priest Card September 2, 2012 Dark Priest Card cards 135.000 zeny 3 pezzi
OFF double Hallowed Titan Chain[3] September 1, 2012 +6 double Hallowed Titan Chain[3] weapon 6.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Star Crumb September 1, 2012 Star Crumb other 3.500 zeny 16 pezzi
OFF Wind of Verdure August 30, 2012 Wind of Verdure other 29.999 zeny 10 pezzi
OFF Muffler[1] August 29, 2012 Muffler[1] garment 100.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Lemon August 29, 2012 Lemon other 1.900 zeny 45 pezzi
OFF Orange August 29, 2012 Orange other 2.450 zeny 36 pezzi
OFF Maneater Blossom August 29, 2012 Maneater Blossom other 2.800 zeny 208 pezzi
OFF Immortal Heart August 23, 2012 Immortal Heart other 6.499 zeny 198 pezzi
OFF Siroma Card August 23, 2012 Siroma Card cards 500.000 zeny 2 pezzi
OFF Authoritative Badge August 23, 2012 Authoritative Badge usable 3.500 zeny 37 pezzi
OFF Fabric August 23, 2012 Fabric other 1.000 zeny 517 pezzi
OFF Blue Herb August 22, 2012 Blue Herb other 9.995 zeny 58 pezzi
OFF Poison Spore August 18, 2012 Poison Spore other 1.899 zeny 79 pezzi
OFF Maneater Root August 14, 2012 Maneater Root other 199 zeny 1423 pezzi
OFF Muka Card August 14, 2012 Muka Card cards 2.400.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Joker Card August 14, 2012 Joker Card cards 600.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Manteau[1] August 14, 2012 Manteau[1] garment 99.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Great Nature August 14, 2012 Great Nature other 4.500 zeny 75 pezzi
OFF Scapulare[1] of Stone Curse August 9, 2012 +4 Scapulare[1] of Stone Curse armor 1.999.999 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Mushroom Spore August 9, 2012 Mushroom Spore other 799 zeny 349 pezzi
Questa pagina fornisce prezzi e informazioni solo su oggetti di Ro sul server Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo)
63.108 oggetti nel database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 mercanti nel database visitatori online: 1
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