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This merchant was last online October 14, 2011

merchants details

last seen: October 14, 2011
previously online since : October 14, 2011 at 01:43
merchant id : 8807
last position : Prontera [143 / 78]

status merchant class price amount
OFF Old Portrait October 14, 2011 Old Portrait other 18.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Zombie Card October 14, 2011 Zombie Card cards 79.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Red Blood October 14, 2011 Red Blood other 4.999 zeny 6 pieces
OFF Red Herb October 14, 2011 Red Herb other 29 zeny 31 pieces
OFF Skeleton Card October 14, 2011 Skeleton Card cards 299.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Grape October 11, 2011 Grape other 1.999 zeny 7 pieces
OFF Yellow Herb October 11, 2011 Yellow Herb other 198 zeny 21 pieces
OFF Pointed Scale October 11, 2011 Pointed Scale other 748 zeny 13 pieces
OFF Green Herb October 11, 2011 Green Herb other 799 zeny 28 pieces
OFF White Herb October 11, 2011 White Herb other 2.199 zeny 12 pieces
OFF Strawberry October 10, 2011 Strawberry other 1.899 zeny 3 pieces
OFF Authoritative Badge October 10, 2011 Authoritative Badge usable 2.999 zeny 10 pieces
OFF Blue Herb October 10, 2011 Blue Herb other 9.899 zeny 61 pieces
OFF Mushroom Spore October 9, 2011 Mushroom Spore other 349 zeny 403 pieces
OFF Candy October 9, 2011 Candy other 50 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Myst Case Card October 7, 2011 Myst Case Card cards 1.750.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Poison Spore October 3, 2011 Poison Spore other 399 zeny 14 pieces
OFF Earring October 3, 2011 Earring accessory 549.998 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Maneater Blossom October 3, 2011 Maneater Blossom other 449 zeny 48 pieces
OFF Stem September 29, 2011 Stem other 1.999 zeny 70 pieces
OFF Orange Juice September 18, 2011 Orange Juice usable 28.764 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Porcupine Quill September 18, 2011 Porcupine Quill other 1.250 zeny 69 pieces
OFF Empty Bottle August 31, 2011 Empty Bottle other 170 zeny 13 pieces
OFF Level 3 Cold Bolt August 31, 2011 Level 3 Cold Bolt usable 998 zeny 3 pieces
OFF Level 3 Heal August 31, 2011 Level 3 Heal usable 998 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Level 1 Frost Diver August 31, 2011 Level 1 Frost Diver usable 997 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Piece of Cake August 31, 2011 Piece of Cake other 1.698 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Well-baked Cookie August 24, 2011 Well-baked Cookie other 999 zeny 5 pieces
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