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+9Lichs, Ignis
Questo mercante era online l'ultima volta April 22, 2012

dettagli del mercante

visto l'ultima volta: April 22, 2012
precedentemente online sino: April 22, 2012 at 12:59
id del mercante: 2070
ultima posizione: Prontera [147 / 47]

status mercante class prezzo quantità
OFF double Darkness Lich's Bone Wand[2] April 22, 2012 +9 double Darkness Lich's Bone Wand[2] weapon 99.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Earring[1] of Ignis April 22, 2012 Earring[1] of Ignis accessory 29.500.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Katar of  Raging Blaze[3] April 22, 2012 Katar of Raging Blaze[3] other 19.500.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Sword[3] April 22, 2012 +10 Sword[3] weapon 895.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Sphinx Hat April 22, 2012 Sphinx Hat headgear 3.500.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Puppet April 22, 2012 Puppet other 4.500 zeny 12 pezzi
OFF   April 22, 2012 Dice Hat[1] other 675.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Blazzer Card April 8, 2012 Blazzer Card cards 255.000 zeny 2 pezzi
OFF Spore Doll April 8, 2012 Spore Doll other 36.000 zeny 2 pezzi
OFF Level 1 Frost Diver April 8, 2012 Level 1 Frost Diver usable 2.950 zeny 2 pezzi
OFF Boots[1] April 8, 2012 +4 Boots[1] footgear 845.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Falchion[3] April 7, 2012 Falchion[3] weapon 75.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Falchion[4] April 5, 2012 +7 Falchion[4] weapon 275.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Blue Gemstone April 1, 2012 Blue Gemstone other 498 zeny 299 pezzi
OFF Dead Branch April 1, 2012 Dead Branch usable 55.000 zeny 15 pezzi
OFF Rough Elunium April 1, 2012 Rough Elunium other 49.500 zeny 57 pezzi
OFF Elunium March 25, 2012 Elunium other 246.000 zeny 96 pezzi
OFF Blue Herb March 25, 2012 Blue Herb other 19.500 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Unripe Apple March 25, 2012 Unripe Apple usable 69.000 zeny 2 pezzi
OFF Mace[3] March 24, 2012 Mace[3] weapon 50.000.000 zeny 2 pezzi
OFF Cotton Shirt March 24, 2012 Cotton Shirt armor 50.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Knife[3] March 24, 2012 Knife[3] weapon 50.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Iron Arrow Quiver December 28, 2011 Iron Arrow Quiver usable 950 zeny 90 pezzi
OFF Oridecon December 23, 2011 Oridecon other 53.000 zeny 3 pezzi
OFF Bat Cage December 6, 2011 Bat Cage other 250.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Rope[3] November 23, 2011 Rope[3] other 75.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Skull Ring November 23, 2011 Skull Ring accessory 4.900 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Yoyo Doll November 23, 2011 Yoyo Doll other 25.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Iron Wrist November 18, 2011 Iron Wrist other 75.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Shadow Walk November 18, 2011 Shadow Walk footgear 850.000 zeny 1 pezzi
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