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Shop Things! - Amity! Ragnarok Marketwatch
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The market watch does not get updates any more. There are no plans on migrating it to the 4game server.
This merchant was last online April 26, 2015

merchants details

last seen: April 26, 2015
previously online since : April 26, 2015 at 11:58
merchant id : 1019
last position : Prontera [167 / 72]

status merchant class price amount
OFF Box of Sunlight April 26, 2015 Box of Sunlight usable 40.000 zeny 91 pieces
OFF Fabric April 26, 2015 Fabric other 3.000 zeny 321 pieces
OFF Santa Poring Card April 26, 2015 Santa Poring Card cards 400.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF   April 26, 2015 WoE Blue Potion other 17.500 zeny 120 pieces
OFF Box of Resentment April 26, 2015 Box of Resentment usable 40.000 zeny 112 pieces
OFF Immortal Heart April 22, 2015 Immortal Heart other 12.000 zeny 1781 pieces
OFF Sky Deleter Card April 15, 2015 Sky Deleter Card cards 1.500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF   April 15, 2015 Cold Ice other 30.000 zeny 440 pieces
OFF Stem April 13, 2015 Stem other 3.500 zeny 180 pieces
OFF   April 13, 2015 WoE White Potion other 22.500 zeny 50 pieces
OFF Poison Bottle April 11, 2015 Poison Bottle other 30.000 zeny 97 pieces
OFF Poison Spore April 10, 2015 Poison Spore other 4.500 zeny 29 pieces
OFF Speed Potion April 8, 2015 Speed Potion other 55.000 zeny 100 pieces
OFF   April 7, 2015 Beef Head other 92.000 zeny 30 pieces
OFF Burning Heart March 31, 2015 Burning Heart other 700 zeny 579 pieces
OFF   March 30, 2015 Mandragora Flowerpot other 3.000 zeny 220 pieces
OFF Maneater Root March 29, 2015 Maneater Root other 1.000 zeny 266 pieces
OFF Flame Heart March 28, 2015 Flame Heart other 35.000 zeny 50 pieces
OFF   March 28, 2015 Elder Branch other 80.000 zeny 8 pieces
OFF Dried Yggdrasilberry March 28, 2015 Dried Yggdrasilberry other 5.000 zeny 10 pieces
OFF Unripe Yggdrasilberry March 28, 2015 Unripe Yggdrasilberry other 5.000 zeny 5 pieces
OFF Maneater Blossom March 27, 2015 Maneater Blossom other 11.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Mushroom Spore March 26, 2015 Mushroom Spore other 1.700 zeny 180 pieces
OFF Wool Scarf[1] June 25, 2011 Wool Scarf[1] garment 2.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Magma Fist[3] June 25, 2011 Magma Fist[3] weapon 50.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Bone Helm June 18, 2011 Bone Helm headgear 300.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Valkyrian Manteau[1] June 18, 2011 Valkyrian Manteau[1] garment 20.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Oridecon May 30, 2011 Oridecon other 110.000 zeny 154 pieces
OFF Rosary[1] of Four Leafed Clover May 22, 2011 Rosary[1] of Four Leafed Clover accessory 6.500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Buckler[1] of Royal Guard April 13, 2011 +6 Buckler[1] of Royal Guard shield 40.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
This page contains prices and information about availability for Ragnarok Online items on the fRo Server only
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 0
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