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The market watch does not get updates any more. There are no plans on migrating it to the 4game server.
This merchant was last online May 22, 2017

merchants details

last seen: May 22, 2017
previously online since : May 22, 2017 at 22:32
merchant id : 14559
last position : Prontera [146 / 159]

status merchant class price amount
OFF Goibne's Armor January 2, 2016 Goibne's Armor armor 3.000.000 zeny 5 pieces
OFF Spiky Band November 11, 2015 Spiky Band headgear 333.333 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Ledger Of Death[2] November 11, 2015 Ledger Of Death[2] other 500.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Holy Stick[1] November 11, 2015 Holy Stick[1] other 1.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Shackles November 11, 2015 Shackles footgear 500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Fricca's Circlet November 11, 2015 Fricca's Circlet headgear 100.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Valhala's Flower November 11, 2015 Valhala's Flower other 800.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Shinobi Sash November 11, 2015 Shinobi Sash accessory 120.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Berserk Guitar November 11, 2015 Berserk Guitar other 400.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Violet Fear[2] November 11, 2015 Violet Fear[2] other 99.990.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Bone Helm November 2, 2015 Bone Helm headgear 100.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Battle Hook[1] November 2, 2015 Battle Hook[1] other 110.000 zeny 3 pieces
OFF Steel November 2, 2015 Steel other 18.000 zeny 29 pieces
OFF Rough Elunium November 2, 2015 Rough Elunium other 30.000 zeny 24 pieces
OFF Rose Quartz November 2, 2015 Rose Quartz other 700.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Strong Shield[1] November 2, 2015 Strong Shield[1] shield 350.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Flame Manteau of Naght Sieger[1] November 2, 2015 Flame Manteau of Naght Sieger[1] other 1.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Odin's Blessing[1] October 29, 2015 Odin's Blessing[1] armor 1.500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Morpheus's Hood October 29, 2015 Morpheus's Hood headgear 100.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Maneater Blossom October 25, 2015 Maneater Blossom other 9.000 zeny 53 pieces
OFF Pauldron[1] October 21, 2015 Pauldron[1] garment 200.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Morrigane's Helm October 20, 2015 Morrigane's Helm headgear 640.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Robes Of Orleans[1] October 20, 2015 Robes Of Orleans[1] armor 40.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Muscle Cutter[2] October 20, 2015 Muscle Cutter[2] weapon 150.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Platinum Shield October 20, 2015 Platinum Shield shield 20.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Variant Shoes October 17, 2015 Variant Shoes footgear 18.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Bloody Rune October 17, 2015 Bloody Rune other 25.000 zeny 44 pieces
OFF Rune of the Darkness October 17, 2015 Rune of the Darkness other 25.000 zeny 71 pieces
OFF Gift Box October 9, 2015 Gift Box usable 40.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Witch Starsand October 9, 2015 Witch Starsand other 3.000 zeny 76 pieces
This page only contains prices and information about RO items on the Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo) only.
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 12
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