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Lucky Clip 4h
Questo mercante era online l'ultima volta October 27, 2014

dettagli del mercante

visto l'ultima volta: October 27, 2014
precedentemente online sino: October 26, 2014 at 13:40
id del mercante: 6829
ultima posizione: Prontera [147 / 61]

status mercante class prezzo quantità
OFF Lucky Clip Box October 27, 2014 Lucky Clip Box other 40.000.000 zeny 4 pezzi
OFF Stem October 26, 2014 Stem other 8.000 zeny 42 pezzi
OFF Elunium October 21, 2014 Elunium other 95.000 zeny 54 pezzi
OFF Armor Piece of Dullahan October 21, 2014 Armor Piece of Dullahan other 5.000 zeny 200 pezzi
OFF White Herb October 21, 2014 White Herb other 8.000 zeny 222 pezzi
OFF Fabric October 21, 2014 Fabric other 4.000 zeny 694 pezzi
OFF Gym Pass May 7, 2012 Gym Pass other 2.250.000 zeny 6 pezzi
OFF Book of Billows[3] May 7, 2012 Book of Billows[3] other 14.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Aria Emperor Wreath[1] May 7, 2012 +4 Aria Emperor Wreath[1] other 35.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Piercing Staff May 7, 2012 +7 Piercing Staff weapon 9.999.999 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Heavy Magic Bible Vol1[1] May 7, 2012 +4 Heavy Magic Bible Vol1[1] other 8.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Cobweb May 7, 2012 Cobweb other 6.000 zeny 44 pezzi
OFF Karvodailnirol May 7, 2012 Karvodailnirol other 190.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Key of Underground May 7, 2012 Key of Underground other 139.000 zeny 9 pezzi
OFF Strange Flame Manteau of Naght Sieger[1] May 7, 2012 +4 Strange Flame Manteau of Naght Sieger[1] other 30.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Holy Water May 7, 2012 Holy Water other 1.500 zeny 1047 pezzi
OFF Bubble Sweet Gum Box May 7, 2012 Bubble Sweet Gum Box other 10.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Silk Robe[1] of Ifrit (+3 Int) April 22, 2012 +4 Silk Robe[1] of Ifrit (+3 Int) armor 10.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Bone Helm April 22, 2012 +7 Bone Helm headgear 12.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Oridecon April 22, 2012 Oridecon other 165.000 zeny 6 pezzi
OFF Odin's Blessing[1] of Ifrit April 22, 2012 +6 Odin's Blessing[1] of Ifrit armor 6.500.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Cranial Stone Buckler[1] April 22, 2012 +6 Cranial Stone Buckler[1] shield 15.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF   March 18, 2012 +4 Immune Nydhorgg's Shadow Garb[1] other 89.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Ninja Scroll March 18, 2012 Ninja Scroll other 25.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Immortal Stew March 18, 2012 Immortal Stew other 100.000 zeny 2 pezzi
OFF Dragon Breath Cocktail March 18, 2012 Dragon Breath Cocktail other 150.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Greaves[1] March 18, 2012 Greaves[1] footgear 300.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Salamander Card March 18, 2012 Salamander Card cards 700.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Evil Bone Wand November 26, 2011 Evil Bone Wand weapon 140.000 zeny 4 pezzi
OFF Orcish Sword November 26, 2011 Orcish Sword weapon 40.000 zeny 4 pezzi
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