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Rainer Zufall
Questo mercante era online l'ultima volta July 19, 2013

dettagli del mercante

visto l'ultima volta: July 19, 2013
precedentemente online sino: July 19, 2013 at 13:27
id del mercante: 12806
ultima posizione: Prontera [152 / 98]

status mercante class prezzo quantità
OFF Red Prickly Fruit May 5, 2012 Red Prickly Fruit other 3.000 zeny 31 pezzi
OFF Red Chile May 5, 2012 Red Chile other 500 zeny 205 pezzi
OFF Iron May 3, 2012 Iron other 1.999 zeny 155 pezzi
OFF Witch Starsand May 3, 2012 Witch Starsand other 7.000 zeny 855 pezzi
OFF Star Dust May 3, 2012 Star Dust other 900 zeny 61 pezzi
OFF Elunium May 2, 2012 Elunium other 233.000 zeny 39 pezzi
OFF Stem May 2, 2012 Stem other 4.000 zeny 523 pezzi
OFF double Hallowed Damascus[2] April 24, 2012 +7 double Hallowed Damascus[2] weapon 4.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Poll Axe[1] April 21, 2012 +5 Poll Axe[1] other 500.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF White Herb April 21, 2012 White Herb other 2.900 zeny 145 pezzi
OFF Two-handed Sword[2] April 21, 2012 Two-handed Sword[2] weapon 70.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF   April 20, 2012 Necromancer's Hood[1] other 2.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Heart of Mermaid April 20, 2012 Heart of Mermaid other 8.500 zeny 78 pezzi
OFF Bloody Rune April 20, 2012 Bloody Rune other 1.500 zeny 25 pezzi
OFF Raydric Card April 20, 2012 Raydric Card cards 12.900.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Oridecon April 19, 2012 Oridecon other 170.000 zeny 17 pezzi
OFF Harpy Feather April 17, 2012 Harpy Feather other 2.000 zeny 1279 pezzi
OFF Chain Mail[1] April 16, 2012 +6 Chain Mail[1] armor 5.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Biotite April 16, 2012 Biotite other 120.000 zeny 2 pezzi
OFF Fish In Mouth April 15, 2012 Fish In Mouth other 8.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Earth Damascus April 15, 2012 +5 Earth Damascus weapon 3.000.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Black Hair April 14, 2012 Black Hair other 500 zeny 108 pezzi
OFF Ice Cream April 12, 2012 Ice Cream other 200 zeny 154 pezzi
OFF Aloe Leaflet April 12, 2012 Aloe Leaflet other 2.000 zeny 207 pezzi
OFF Blue Potion April 10, 2012 Blue Potion other 30.000 zeny 24 pezzi
OFF Large Jellopy April 10, 2012 Large Jellopy other 900 zeny 138 pezzi
OFF Silver Robe[1] April 6, 2012 Silver Robe[1] armor 75.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Crest Of The Rider April 6, 2012 Crest Of The Rider garment 750.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Necklace April 4, 2012 Necklace accessory 600.000 zeny 1 pezzi
OFF Chain[3] April 2, 2012 Chain[3] weapon 500.000 zeny 1 pezzi
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