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Shop B> Dark Lord Card - Amity! Ragnarok Marketwatch
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B> Dark Lord Card
This merchant was last online April 9, 2012

merchants details

last seen: April 9, 2012
previously online since : April 9, 2012 at 16:36
merchant id : 13308
last position : Prontera [120 / 91]

status merchant class price amount
OFF Variant Shoes April 9, 2012 Variant Shoes footgear 38.000.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Long Mace April 9, 2012 Long Mace weapon 800.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Gakkung Bow[2] April 9, 2012 Gakkung Bow[2] weapon 200.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Morrigane's Manteau April 9, 2012 Morrigane's Manteau garment 400.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Schweizersabel April 9, 2012 Schweizersabel weapon 400.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Evil Wing April 9, 2012 Evil Wing headgear 500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Vesper Core 01 April 9, 2012 Vesper Core 01 accessory 1.200.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Spiky Band April 9, 2012 Spiky Band headgear 4.500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Valkyrian Shoes[1] April 9, 2012 Valkyrian Shoes[1] footgear 2.500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Glittering Jacket[1] April 9, 2012 Glittering Jacket[1] armor 900.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Greaves[1] April 9, 2012 Greaves[1] footgear 200.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Galapago Cap April 2, 2012 Galapago Cap headgear 5.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Kafra Band April 2, 2012 Kafra Band headgear 2.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Silk Robe[1] of Ifrit April 2, 2012 +6 Silk Robe[1] of Ifrit armor 2.500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Insomniac Bucket Hat[1] April 2, 2012 +4 Insomniac Bucket Hat[1] headgear 700.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Of Wild Cat Mink Coat[1] April 2, 2012 +5 Of Wild Cat Mink Coat[1] armor 9.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Clip[1] of Moonlight April 2, 2012 Clip[1] of Moonlight accessory 700.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Anti-Magic Cap[1] April 1, 2012 +7 Anti-Magic Cap[1] headgear 4.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Spiritual Ring April 1, 2012 Spiritual Ring accessory 200.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Glove April 1, 2012 Glove accessory 900.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Teleport Clip[1] April 1, 2012 Teleport Clip[1] accessory 4.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Clip[1] of Mustle April 1, 2012 Clip[1] of Mustle accessory 1.600.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Cubic Hat[1] April 1, 2012 Cubic Hat[1] headgear 1.200.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF double Vital Rope[3] April 1, 2012 double Vital Rope[3] other 1.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Welding Mask April 1, 2012 Welding Mask headgear 250.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF W Doll Hat[1] April 1, 2012 W Doll Hat[1] other 200.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Western Grace April 1, 2012 Western Grace headgear 150.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Fricco's Shoes April 1, 2012 Fricco's Shoes footgear 100.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Muffler[1] April 1, 2012 +5 Muffler[1] garment 1.200.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Defolty Doll Hat[1] April 1, 2012 Defolty Doll Hat[1] other 400.000 zeny 1 pieces
This page contains prices and information about availability for Ragnarok Online items on the fRo Server only
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 2
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