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+7 triple Flammable Saber[3] - Amity! Ragnarok Marketwatch
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triple Flammable Saber[3]
+7 triple Flammable Saber[3]
this item has been offered 5 times, last March 7, 2012
last seen total Ø 7 days Ø total price at NPC (OC 10):
March 7, 2012 5 N/A 5.498.000 z
with scam   7.081.667 z
30.380 z

details of single items

Vadon Card Flammable weapon

status merchant price amount
OFF March 7, 2012 +9 Lich's, Incubus Card, Valk Armor 15.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF January 4, 2012 restverwertung 1.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF November 2, 2011 ???????????????????????????????????? 11.990.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF October 24, 2011 S>+8 Thorn Staff (Spell3-3) 250m 7.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF August 3, 2011 asa/SS etc... 2.500.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 29, 2011 GR, yes for real 5.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
This page contains prices and information about availability for Ragnarok Online items on the fRo Server only
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 2
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