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Shop Buy: Crainial Buckler: Fledged Shoes - Amity! Ragnarok Marketwatch
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Buy: Crainial Buckler: Fledged Shoes
This merchant was last online September 12, 2012

merchants details

last seen: September 12, 2012
previously online since : September 12, 2012 at 13:39
merchant id : 15052
last position : Prontera [164 / 39]

status merchant class price amount
OFF Mandragora Card September 12, 2012 Mandragora Card cards 1.220.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Orc Skeleton Card September 12, 2012 Orc Skeleton Card cards 250.000 zeny 3 pieces
OFF Minorous Card September 12, 2012 Minorous Card cards 5.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Huuma Wing Shuriken September 12, 2012 Huuma Wing Shuriken weapon 990.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Fish Tail September 12, 2012 Fish Tail other 3.500 zeny 328 pieces
OFF Black Hair September 12, 2012 Black Hair other 500 zeny 685 pieces
OFF Ice Cubic September 12, 2012 Ice Cubic other 990 zeny 82 pieces
OFF Detrimindexta September 12, 2012 Detrimindexta other 30.000 zeny 6 pieces
OFF Old Shuriken September 12, 2012 Old Shuriken other 6.000 zeny 97 pieces
OFF White Herb September 12, 2012 White Herb other 1.800 zeny 41 pieces
OFF Immortal Heart September 12, 2012 Immortal Heart other 7.100 zeny 1113 pieces
OFF Armlet of Obedience September 12, 2012 Armlet of Obedience usable 90.000 zeny 9 pieces
OFF Sharp Scale September 4, 2012 Sharp Scale other 2.500 zeny 217 pieces
OFF   September 4, 2012 Smoke Powder other 4.000 zeny 18 pieces
OFF   September 4, 2012 Gun Powder other 6.000 zeny 35 pieces
OFF Royal Jelly September 4, 2012 Royal Jelly other 25.000 zeny 18 pieces
OFF   September 4, 2012 Silent Executer other 1.920.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Destroyed Armor September 4, 2012 Destroyed Armor other 6.000 zeny 67 pieces
OFF   September 4, 2012 Ice Piece other 13.000 zeny 4 pieces
OFF Burnt Tree September 4, 2012 Burnt Tree other 5.000 zeny 88 pieces
OFF Mushroom Spore August 31, 2012 Mushroom Spore other 950 zeny 71 pieces
OFF Lemon August 31, 2012 Lemon other 1.700 zeny 31 pieces
OFF Katana[4] August 30, 2012 Katana[4] weapon 35.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Yellow Herb August 15, 2012 Yellow Herb other 500 zeny 206 pieces
OFF Trunk August 15, 2012 Trunk other 7.000 zeny 5 pieces
OFF   August 15, 2012 Coconut Fruit other 3.000 zeny 10 pieces
OFF Honey August 15, 2012 Honey other 3.500 zeny 41 pieces
OFF Poison Spore August 15, 2012 Poison Spore other 1.800 zeny 25 pieces
OFF Ancient Lips August 15, 2012 Ancient Lips other 500 zeny 8 pieces
OFF Drainliar Card August 14, 2012 Drainliar Card cards 850.000 zeny 1 pieces
This page contains prices and information about availability for Ragnarok Online items on the fRo Server only
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 3
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