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Shop Anacondaq Card and more - Amity! Ragnarok Marketwatch
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The market watch does not get updates any more. There are no plans on migrating it to the 4game server.
Anacondaq Card and more
This merchant was last online January 14, 2014

merchants details

last seen: January 14, 2014
previously online since : January 14, 2014 at 15:32
merchant id : 1167
last position : Prontera [147 / 56]

status merchant class price amount
OFF Rough Elunium January 2, 2013 Rough Elunium other 18.000 zeny 84 pieces
OFF Cactus Needle November 19, 2012 Cactus Needle other 900 zeny 289 pieces
OFF Sticky Mucus November 17, 2012 Sticky Mucus other 200 zeny 396 pieces
OFF Lantern November 17, 2012 Lantern other 500 zeny 54 pieces
OFF Cyfar November 17, 2012 Cyfar other 1.000 zeny 90 pieces
OFF Sticky Poison November 17, 2012 Sticky Poison other 400 zeny 131 pieces
OFF Solid Shell November 17, 2012 Solid Shell other 500 zeny 69 pieces
OFF Shoot November 17, 2012 Shoot other 500 zeny 380 pieces
OFF Fine Grit November 17, 2012 Fine Grit other 10.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Great Nature November 17, 2012 Great Nature other 4.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Opal November 11, 2012 Opal other 10.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Mace[4] November 11, 2012 Mace[4] weapon 10.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Yellow Gemstone November 11, 2012 Yellow Gemstone other 1.500 zeny 22 pieces
OFF Ruby November 11, 2012 Ruby other 6.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Heart of Mermaid November 1, 2012 Heart of Mermaid other 8.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Hybrid Gakkung Bow[1] October 15, 2012 +6 Hybrid Gakkung Bow[1] weapon 2.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Rough Wind October 14, 2012 Rough Wind other 75.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Moth Dust October 10, 2012 Moth Dust other 500 zeny 114 pieces
OFF Goblin Mask October 10, 2012 Goblin Mask headgear 60.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Burning Heart October 2, 2012 Burning Heart other 700 zeny 971 pieces
OFF Emveretarcon October 2, 2012 Emveretarcon other 2.000 zeny 14 pieces
OFF Memory Bookmark October 2, 2012 Memory Bookmark other 4.000 zeny 4 pieces
OFF Moth Wings October 2, 2012 Moth Wings other 1.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Scale Shell October 1, 2012 Scale Shell other 1.000 zeny 24 pieces
OFF Steel September 24, 2012 Steel other 9.000 zeny 4 pieces
OFF Aquamarine September 24, 2012 Aquamarine other 1.000 zeny 4 pieces
OFF Candy September 19, 2012 Candy other 2.000 zeny 17 pieces
OFF Unripe Apple September 18, 2012 Unripe Apple usable 200.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Fresh Fish September 16, 2012 Fresh Fish other 500 zeny 3 pieces
OFF High Wind Kunai September 16, 2012 High Wind Kunai other 100 zeny 66 pieces
This page contains prices and information about availability for Ragnarok Online items on the fRo Server only
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 0
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