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Shop +7 Power Earring!! - Amity! Ragnarok Marketwatch
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+7 Power Earring!!
This merchant was last online February 20, 2019

merchants details

last seen: February 20, 2019
previously online since : February 19, 2019 at 09:43
merchant id : 11937
last position : Prontera [142 / 107]

status merchant class price amount
OFF Undershirt[1] March 14, 2012 Undershirt[1] garment 25.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Pantie March 13, 2012 Pantie armor 15.000 zeny 3 pieces
OFF Brigan March 12, 2012 Brigan other 500 zeny 793 pieces
OFF Bloody Heart Breaker[1] March 10, 2012 +4 Bloody Heart Breaker[1] weapon 3.500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Boots[1] of Assassin March 10, 2012 +6 Boots[1] of Assassin footgear 24.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Silk Robe[1] March 4, 2012 +7 Silk Robe[1] armor 9.999.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Chain Mail[1] March 2, 2012 +7 Chain Mail[1] armor 11.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Iron Fist Card March 1, 2012 Iron Fist Card cards 19.999.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF quadruple Bloody Pike[4] February 18, 2012 +9 quadruple Bloody Pike[4] other 9.999.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Immune Manteau[1] February 18, 2012 +7 Immune Manteau[1] garment 19.999.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Cruiser Card February 10, 2012 Cruiser Card cards 2.100.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF quadruple Damned Main Gauche[4] February 10, 2012 +9 quadruple Damned Main Gauche[4] weapon 2.100.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Hard Tights[1] February 10, 2012 +4 Hard Tights[1] armor 5.500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Wind Damascus February 8, 2012 +5 Wind Damascus weapon 1.500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Hat[1] February 8, 2012 Hat[1] headgear 999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF double Hallowed Titan Gladius[3] February 8, 2012 +7 double Hallowed Titan Gladius[3] weapon 3.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Pike[4] February 8, 2012 Pike[4] other 250.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF quadruple Clamorous Main Gauche[4] February 8, 2012 +10 quadruple Clamorous Main Gauche[4] weapon 6.999.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Opal January 29, 2012 Opal other 19.999 zeny 3 pieces
OFF Shining Stone January 29, 2012 Shining Stone usable 19.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Trunk January 29, 2012 Trunk other 2.500 zeny 20 pieces
OFF Dead Branch January 29, 2012 Dead Branch usable 35.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Mace[4] January 29, 2012 Mace[4] weapon 19.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Heart of Mermaid January 29, 2012 Heart of Mermaid other 3.500 zeny 312 pieces
OFF Drainliar Card January 28, 2012 Drainliar Card cards 899.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Stop Post January 28, 2012 Stop Post headgear 399.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF White Potion January 27, 2012 White Potion other 980 zeny 220 pieces
OFF Kukre Card January 23, 2012 Kukre Card cards 999.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Rod[4] January 23, 2012 Rod[4] weapon 9.999 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Earthworm the Dude January 23, 2012 Earthworm the Dude usable 36.000 zeny 1 pieces
This page contains prices and information about availability for Ragnarok Online items on the fRo Server only
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 1
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