Increases Physical Attack Strength to Demihuman monster by 95%..
Ignores physical defense from Demihuman monster by 20%.
MATK + 90
Increase damage by 100% of [Throw Huuma Shuriken] and [Killing Strike] for 10 sec. when attacking and synchronizing the weapon by 5%
* Additional Weapon Refining Level Option
+6 Refining
5% increase in ignoring Defense of Demihuman monster
[Slaughter] Lv 2
+9 Refining
When using [Killing Strike], auto-spell [Heal] Lv.10 is activated to itself
When using [Throw Huuma Shuriken], [Fatal Wound] Lv.2 is inflicted to the enemay at a certain rate.
Class : Huuma Attack : 55
Weight : 0
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 80
Job : Ninja Jobs