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Show items that contain Fatal Serpent

status itemname class price amount
OFF Dragoon double Fatal Serpent Specialty Jur[4] unknown +9 Dragoon double Fatal Serpent Specialty Jur[4] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Fatal Flame Fatal Serpent Cowardice Blade[2] unknown +5 Fatal Flame Fatal Serpent Cowardice Blade[2] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Fatal Serpent Cyclone[2] unknown +6 Fatal Serpent Cyclone[2] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Fatal Serpent Disarm Falchion[3] unknown +5 Fatal Serpent Disarm Falchion[3] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Fatal Serpent Jur[3] unknown +6 Fatal Serpent Jur[3] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Fatal Serpent Katar[1] unknown Fatal Serpent Katar[1] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Fatal Serpent Katar[1] unknown +5 Fatal Serpent Katar[1] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Fatal Serpent Man Eater Jur[2] unknown Fatal Serpent Man Eater Jur[2] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Fatal Serpent Specialty Jur[4] unknown Fatal Serpent Specialty Jur[4] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Hallowed Critical Fatal Serpent Specialty Jur[4] unknown Hallowed Critical Fatal Serpent Specialty Jur[4] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Hybrid Fatal Serpent Cowardice Blade[2] unknown +5 Hybrid Fatal Serpent Cowardice Blade[2] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Keen double Fatal Serpent Jur[3] unknown +6 Keen double Fatal Serpent Jur[3] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Keen Fatal Serpent Damascus[2] unknown +5 Keen Fatal Serpent Damascus[2] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF quadruple Fatal Serpent Bow[4] unknown +10 quadruple Fatal Serpent Bow[4] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF quadruple Fatal Serpent Mace[4] unknown +10 quadruple Fatal Serpent Mace[4] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF quadruple Fatal Serpent Main Gauche[4] unknown +10 quadruple Fatal Serpent Main Gauche[4] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF quadruple Fatal Serpent Specialty Jur[4] unknown +6 quadruple Fatal Serpent Specialty Jur[4] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF triple Dragoon Fatal Serpent Specialty Jur[4] unknown +8 triple Dragoon Fatal Serpent Specialty Jur[4] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF triple Fatal Serpent Cross Bow[3] unknown +6 triple Fatal Serpent Cross Bow[3] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF triple Fatal Serpent Double Bound[3] unknown +6 triple Fatal Serpent Double Bound[3] other Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF triple Fatal Serpent Extending Specialty Jur[4] unknown triple Fatal Serpent Extending Specialty Jur[4] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF triple Fatal Serpent Jur[3] unknown +7 triple Fatal Serpent Jur[3] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF triple Fatal Serpent Katana[4] unknown +9 triple Fatal Serpent Katana[4] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF triple Fatal Serpent Katar of  Raging Blaze[3] unknown +5 triple Fatal Serpent Katar of Raging Blaze[3] other Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF triple Fatal Serpent Katar of Frozen Icicle[3] unknown +5 triple Fatal Serpent Katar of Frozen Icicle[3] other Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF triple Fatal Serpent Katar of Quaking[3] unknown +5 triple Fatal Serpent Katar of Quaking[3] other Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF triple Saharic Fatal Serpent Specialty Jur[4] unknown +7 triple Saharic Fatal Serpent Specialty Jur[4] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF triple Venomer's Fatal Serpent Mace[4] unknown triple Venomer's Fatal Serpent Mace[4] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Venomer's Fatal Serpent Gladius[2] unknown Venomer's Fatal Serpent Gladius[2] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
OFF Venomer's Fatal Serpent Katar[2] unknown Venomer's Fatal Serpent Katar[2] weapon Ø 0 zeny ea
This page only contains prices and information about RO items on the Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo) only.
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 1
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