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This merchant was last online June 23, 2014

merchants details

last seen: June 23, 2014
previously online since : June 23, 2014 at 06:59
merchant id : 9061
last position : Prontera [133 / 120]

status merchant class price amount
OFF Dragon Tail Card June 16, 2012 Dragon Tail Card cards 2.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Royal Jelly June 16, 2012 Royal Jelly other 17.000 zeny 500 pieces
OFF Zombie Prisoner Card May 13, 2012 Zombie Prisoner Card cards 1.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Iron May 13, 2012 Iron other 2.000 zeny 160 pieces
OFF Boots[1] of Sword Master May 13, 2012 +4 Boots[1] of Sword Master footgear 500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Survivor's Rod April 29, 2012 Survivor's Rod weapon 200.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano April 28, 2012 Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano armor 150.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Myst Card April 28, 2012 Myst Card cards 100.000 zeny 11 pieces
OFF Buckler[1] April 28, 2012 Buckler[1] shield 200.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Goibne's Greaves April 28, 2012 Goibne's Greaves footgear 400.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Lemon April 22, 2012 Lemon other 3.500 zeny 139 pieces
OFF Grape April 22, 2012 Grape other 4.500 zeny 66 pieces
OFF Anodyne April 22, 2012 Anodyne other 5.000 zeny 123 pieces
OFF Yggdrasil Seed April 22, 2012 Yggdrasil Seed other 150.000 zeny 4 pieces
OFF Green Ale April 22, 2012 Green Ale other 180.000 zeny 50 pieces
OFF Yggdrasilberry April 22, 2012 Yggdrasilberry other 325.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Muffler[1] April 2, 2012 Muffler[1] garment 150.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Battle Hook[1] April 2, 2012 Battle Hook[1] other 100.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Cubic Goggles[1] April 2, 2012 +4 Cubic Goggles[1] headgear 1.200.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Glove March 4, 2012 Glove accessory 1.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Immune Hood[1] March 4, 2012 +4 Immune Hood[1] garment 15.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Elven Ears March 3, 2012 Elven Ears headgear 49.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Specialty Jur[4] February 16, 2012 Specialty Jur[4] weapon 350.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Hard Mantle[1] February 16, 2012 +4 Hard Mantle[1] armor 3.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Mink Coat[1] of Stone Curse February 16, 2012 +2 Mink Coat[1] of Stone Curse armor 500.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Nile Rose[1] February 16, 2012 Nile Rose[1] accessory 400.000 zeny 2 pieces
OFF Wise Hat[1] February 11, 2012 Wise Hat[1] headgear 300.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Earring February 8, 2012 Earring accessory 600.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Mocking Muffler[1] February 6, 2012 +4 Mocking Muffler[1] garment 13.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
OFF Slot Emblem February 6, 2012 Slot Emblem other 4.000.000 zeny 1 pieces
This page only contains prices and information about RO items on the Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo) only.
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 1
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