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The market watch does not get updates any more. There are no plans on migrating it to the 4game server.
Yellow potion
Yellow potion
Yellow potion
this item has been offered 1 times, last August 8, 2019
last seen total Ø 7 days Ø total price at NPC (OC 10):
August 8, 2019 1 N/A 200 z
with scam   200 z
341 z

details of single items

status merchant price amount
OFF October 5, 2012 FULL POPO 530 Zeny 80 ea
OFF September 24, 2012 Punk Card, White Chocolate and Loot 500 Zeny 9 ea
OFF September 19, 2012 steel,elu green lager, anvil 460 Zeny 167 ea
OFF August 31, 2012 Fabric/Green Live/BW 500 Zeny 40 ea
OFF August 31, 2012 SKEL-BONE MEHR 500 Zeny 73 ea
OFF August 29, 2012 Elder branch Official furniture :) 400 Zeny 20 ea
OFF August 20, 2012 Gem, Herb, ecc 500 Zeny 100 ea
OFF August 18, 2012 S>my Equip L/O 500 Zeny 40 ea
OFF August 17, 2012 bric a brac 400 Zeny 38 ea
OFF August 14, 2012 Potion shop /shield 400 Zeny 43 ea
OFF August 10, 2012 S>+8ArmorRefineDeed,+7SkulC,TSOD L/ 510 Zeny 269 ea
OFF August 8, 2012 Cheap Exp items 519 Zeny 40 ea
OFF August 5, 2012 Plushie's Shop 500 Zeny 92 ea
OFF August 4, 2012 -=> Shoping center <=- 350 Zeny 524 ea
OFF August 1, 2012 Stuff 400 Zeny 42 ea
OFF July 25, 2012 Nydhorgg 89m!!!!!!! 499 Zeny 200 ea
OFF July 25, 2012 Yoyo/Aliot/MinosCard 499 Zeny 100 ea
OFF July 23, 2012 Fun Zale O_p 420 Zeny 86 ea
OFF July 10, 2012 STEMS 2K 490 Zeny 100 ea
OFF July 3, 2012 White Potions 450 Zeny 200 ea
OFF June 26, 2012 Au Bon Shop !!!! 100 Zeny 110 ea
OFF June 20, 2012 A>+7MercuryRiser[1] c/o450m A/S 550m 1.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 25, 2012 SP SHOP 550 Zeny 170 ea
OFF May 23, 2012 Hinalle Orange 550 Zeny 70 ea
OFF May 6, 2012 CHEAP STUFF & CARD (Sell AK Card, pm 480 Zeny 100 ea
OFF May 5, 2012 Let's go shopping 450 Zeny 200 ea
OFF April 24, 2012 EVIL DRUID CARD 10M 490 Zeny 100 ea
OFF April 15, 2012 Glaris Doll Hat 550 Zeny 10 ea
OFF April 9, 2012 go 400 Zeny 120 ea
OFF March 24, 2012 whitepo/awakpo 450 Zeny 4 ea
This page only contains prices and information about RO items on the Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo) only.
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 2
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