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Blue Herb
Blue Herb
Blue Herb
this item has been offered 1 times, last July 18, 2019
last seen total Ø 7 days Ø total price at NPC (OC 10):
July 18, 2019 1 N/A 3.000 z
with scam   3.000 z
37 z

details of single items

Blue Herb

status merchant price amount
OFF May 27, 2011 MUST BUY TOO CHEAP ! 8.199 Zeny 7 ea
OFF May 27, 2011 utkdtduufkldtz 7.200 Zeny 167 ea
OFF May 27, 2011 >>> WHITE ROSES SHOP LOOK IN << 7.000 Zeny 8 ea
OFF May 27, 2011 Bow Thimble and more CHEAP! 8.000 Zeny 12 ea
OFF May 27, 2011 ID 3824 6.000 Zeny 15 ea
OFF May 27, 2011 PORNOS ! 8.000 Zeny 17 ea
OFF May 27, 2011 Cheap Ori's 100k !!! 6.500 Zeny 85 ea
OFF May 27, 2011 ori - iron 7.000 Zeny 20 ea
OFF May 27, 2011 BINGO 8.450 Zeny 56 ea
OFF May 27, 2011 Ori DB Stem Equip 8.000 Zeny 4 ea
OFF May 27, 2011 cards hat 7.000 Zeny 32 ea
OFF May 27, 2011 Stem / Iron / YggBerry 8.000 Zeny 7 ea
OFF May 27, 2011 Juice and more cheap 8.490 Zeny 28 ea
OFF May 26, 2011 -=> Shoping center <=- 6.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF May 26, 2011 Stem, W.Starsand, Cards 7.000 Zeny 16 ea
OFF May 26, 2011 JASPER 7.000 Zeny 7 ea
OFF May 25, 2011 imun nyf hog 6.000 Zeny 51 ea
OFF May 25, 2011 Lucky Clip 8.000 Zeny 65 ea
OFF May 25, 2011 Scuba Mask/freezing bow cheap 7.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF May 25, 2011 Aurora R> 7.700 Zeny 51 ea
OFF May 25, 2011 asd to fasd 7.500 Zeny 6 ea
OFF May 25, 2011 Porc-Ori-MG 8.500 Zeny 43 ea
OFF May 25, 2011 MCA 42m! NOW or NEVER 8.000 Zeny 57 ea
OFF May 25, 2011 Bubble1Hr-Mantis.C-RayArch.C 8.000 Zeny 54 ea
OFF May 25, 2011 Sweets? 6.500 Zeny 265 ea
OFF May 24, 2011 Char Quitt! Cheap stuff. 6.999 Zeny 3 ea
OFF May 24, 2011 Blue Herb 7.500 Zeny 36 ea
OFF May 24, 2011 Token/BBGM/Lucky/RedL/+9BigArmSh### 6.000 Zeny 64 ea
OFF May 24, 2011 al3 loot 7.000 Zeny 11 ea
OFF May 24, 2011 Elemental Flamberge, SpeedThief, Hem 6.500 Zeny 8 ea
This page only contains prices and information about RO items on the Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo) only.
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 1
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