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Blue Herb
Blue Herb
Blue Herb
this item has been offered 1 times, last July 18, 2019
last seen total Ø 7 days Ø total price at NPC (OC 10):
July 18, 2019 1 N/A 3.000 z
with scam   3.000 z
37 z

details of single items

Blue Herb

status merchant price amount
OFF May 17, 2011 WSS 4k each 5.800 Zeny 34 ea
OFF May 17, 2011 STEM STEM STEM STEM STEM STEM STEM 4.000 Zeny 11 ea
OFF May 17, 2011 - cher que - cher 4.500 Zeny 51 ea
OFF May 17, 2011 You need that " may be " 5.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF May 17, 2011 Red Dress Hat 6.500 Zeny 35 ea
OFF May 17, 2011 Bloody 8M /ea 7.000 Zeny 570 ea
OFF May 16, 2011 Strawberry&FREE!!!!!!! 5.500 Zeny 19 ea
OFF May 16, 2011 chainmail, crap 5.500 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 16, 2011 diabolus ring et autre 5.000 Zeny 16 ea
OFF May 16, 2011 STEM, Blue Herb 5.700 Zeny 13 ea
OFF May 16, 2011 Asura/Eggs/taming/MoleClaw/Wiig 2.200 Zeny 5 ea
OFF May 15, 2011 Enchant Emblem, 24h bbl, Fire Armor 6.500 Zeny 20 ea
OFF May 15, 2011 TT 71+ heute 18-22h N> HP, DDs! 5.800 Zeny 3 ea
OFF May 15, 2011 Karvo/GUYAK and Co 7.500 Zeny 15 ea
OFF May 15, 2011 Orc Archer Bow and Magic Bible 6.200 Zeny 53 ea
OFF May 15, 2011 Deathg/soulstone, khali 6.500 Zeny 21 ea
OFF May 15, 2011 PickyEggCard,Strawberries,QuestItems 6.200 Zeny 8 ea
OFF May 15, 2011 EQ 6.300 Zeny 531 ea
OFF May 15, 2011 Cards,RoughOri,etc................ 7.000 Zeny 29 ea
OFF May 15, 2011 Gum, HE Elu, Cards :) 5.000 Zeny 19 ea
OFF May 15, 2011 Porcellio Stem Fluorescent Iron... 5.000 Zeny 12 ea
OFF May 15, 2011 Enric.Elu.Box/SlotEmb./ArmorC.Album 5.500 Zeny 3 ea
OFF May 15, 2011 %Bubble Sweet Box% 6.000 Zeny 19 ea
OFF May 14, 2011 Cards 3.000 Zeny 7 ea
OFF May 14, 2011 ELU ORÝ OCA 4.500 Zeny 347 ea
OFF May 14, 2011 Elven MainGauche 6.200 Zeny 20 ea
OFF May 14, 2011 kauft mich reich 5.750 Zeny 59 ea
OFF May 14, 2011 Billig 3.500 Zeny 2 ea
OFF May 14, 2011 buy it 6.000 Zeny 14 ea
OFF May 14, 2011 gofuu ura G.ale 6.000 Zeny 63 ea
This page only contains prices and information about RO items on the Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo) only.
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 6
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