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Blue Herb
Blue Herb
Blue Herb
this item has been offered 1 times, last July 18, 2019
last seen total Ø 7 days Ø total price at NPC (OC 10):
July 18, 2019 1 N/A 3.000 z
with scam   3.000 z
37 z

details of single items

Blue Herb

status merchant price amount
OFF May 8, 2011 Stem,Aloe Leaflet,GH 4.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 8, 2011 Speed 5.000 Zeny 70 ea
OFF May 8, 2011 rj 5.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 8, 2011 Cards & Equip 3.300 Zeny 3 ea
OFF May 8, 2011 Bubbles & Cards 4.700 Zeny 19 ea
OFF May 8, 2011 ^^ 5.600 Zeny 1000 ea
OFF May 8, 2011 HellP/OwlBaron/DragonB/Morri 6.500 Zeny 28 ea
OFF May 8, 2011 trululu shop 6.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF May 8, 2011>Fr lvl65+ 6.300 Zeny 79 ea
OFF May 8, 2011 A/B>+7(Immune)ValkM -> pm offer 6.000 Zeny 3 ea
OFF May 8, 2011 Lv. 3 , 4 + Ori !! 6.000 Zeny 218 ea
OFF May 8, 2011 ~ 5.500 Zeny 76 ea
OFF May 8, 2011 //ORI KUKRE SILK KARVO// 6.100 Zeny 34 ea
OFF May 7, 2011 SpeedPot CactusNe Wss ElvenEars 5.800 Zeny 37 ea
OFF May 7, 2011 S E X - Cruiser Card - Archer combo 5.800 Zeny 43 ea
OFF May 7, 2011 Shop 5.000 Zeny 8 ea
OFF May 7, 2011 Little Shop of Horrors :D 5.800 Zeny 21 ea
OFF May 7, 2011 Sp Stuff/DB/R.Elu/Stem 5.899 Zeny 68 ea
OFF May 7, 2011 Profesionnal Cooking kit, wind of ve 3.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF May 7, 2011 bigfoot & mandragora card 5.350 Zeny 3 ea
OFF May 7, 2011 Rins Reisebedarf 4.000 Zeny 6 ea
OFF May 7, 2011 Blue Herb, Sandals[1] 6.000 Zeny 251 ea
OFF May 7, 2011 Bloody Runes, Costum 5.400 Zeny 23 ea
OFF May 7, 2011 Meteor Plate 4m 6.300 Zeny 255 ea
OFF May 7, 2011 %%SoulStone%%Card in Weapon%% 5.800 Zeny 3 ea
OFF May 6, 2011 Spores, Strawberry, Mantle, VenomC.. 5.500 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 6, 2011 B>MobsterC,AngelingC, S>Cauda 3.500 Zeny 17 ea
OFF May 5, 2011 STEM 1.600 Zeny 8 ea
OFF May 5, 2011 Tamings, Ceystal Blue 5.600 Zeny 89 ea
OFF May 4, 2011 6mOCA, 750k tribal 5.500 Zeny 113 ea
This page only contains prices and information about RO items on the Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo) only.
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 6
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