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Blue Herb
Blue Herb
Blue Herb
this item has been offered 1 times, last July 18, 2019
last seen total Ø 7 days Ø total price at NPC (OC 10):
July 18, 2019 1 N/A 3.000 z
with scam   3.000 z
37 z

details of single items

Blue Herb

status merchant price amount
OFF April 10, 2011 +6 Stone Buckler 6.000 Zeny 3 ea
OFF April 10, 2011 DiaRing 6.000 Zeny 185 ea
OFF April 10, 2011 Mushroom spore, Poison spore 5.499 Zeny 6 ea
OFF April 10, 2011 Starsand 6.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 10, 2011 STEM, WhiteHerb, +6 unfroTights ... 6.000 Zeny 26 ea
OFF April 10, 2011 SPRINT SHOES + LUNAKALIGO!!!! 6.000 Zeny 13 ea
OFF April 10, 2011 Stem/Green Herb/Aloe Leaflet 5.500 Zeny 3 ea
OFF April 10, 2011 +7 healing staff ,chain, expert,c 6.000 Zeny 26 ea
OFF April 10, 2011 Herbs/Spores 5.900 Zeny 53 ea
OFF April 10, 2011 More Crap 7.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF April 10, 2011 S A L E 6.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF April 10, 2011 Card/P.B-Items/Dagger 5.800 Zeny 7 ea
OFF April 10, 2011 BlueH/WhiteH/Stem/Yggs/MAstela...... 5.999 Zeny 224 ea
OFF April 7, 2011 Stem 4450z 6.000 Zeny 7 ea
OFF April 5, 2011 ELEM CONV/CRYSTAL/RED B/SHELL 6.500 Zeny 207 ea
OFF April 5, 2011 Piercing Shop 5.800 Zeny 60 ea
OFF April 5, 2011 Cheapest Stem/Spore/Karvos/CraftingS 5.800 Zeny 3 ea
OFF April 4, 2011 Diablo 3 5.999 Zeny 30 ea
OFF April 4, 2011 nyd marc phen ray veteran 6.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF April 4, 2011 OrleansMustle Alcohol PSpore 6.500 Zeny 337 ea
OFF April 4, 2011 Elvens, Peno Stonie 3.000 Zeny 7 ea
OFF April 4, 2011 Cheap Stuff 5.000 Zeny 16 ea
OFF April 4, 2011 KRIMSKRAMS 5.000 Zeny 15 ea
OFF April 4, 2011 Thara 4,5m, Elu, Poison Spores 5.500 Zeny 4 ea
OFF April 4, 2011 Clearing 6.000 Zeny 27 ea
OFF April 4, 2011 Stem&DB 6.200 Zeny 9 ea
OFF April 3, 2011 What Zap Man 6.000 Zeny 8 ea
OFF April 3, 2011 Beers 5.700 Zeny 77 ea
OFF April 3, 2011 +6 Crossbow, Fire Arrows, etc. 5.800 Zeny 80 ea
OFF April 3, 2011 ID 1151 6.000 Zeny 4 ea
This page only contains prices and information about RO items on the Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo) only.
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 2
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