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The market watch does not get updates any more. There are no plans on migrating it to the 4game server.
Oil Bottle
this item has been offered 2 times, last May 21, 2019
last seen total Ø 7 days Ø total price at NPC (OC 10):
May 21, 2019 2 N/A 9.000 z
with scam   9.000 z

details of single items

status merchant price amount
OFF July 7, 2014 Bravery box 49.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF July 3, 2014 +_______+" 250.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF July 3, 2014 Very expensive stuff! 30.000 Zeny 22 ea
OFF July 2, 2014 Karvo 50.000 Zeny 11 ea
OFF July 1, 2014 StoneCrystalWindSteelFireQuivers 50.000 Zeny 90 ea
OFF June 28, 2014 LUcky bgl bsg ss 30.000 Zeny 7 ea
OFF June 28, 2014 S>+8TriplKingbird TwinE.Red 400m 75.000 Zeny 79 ea
OFF June 21, 2014 QuickShop 30.000 Zeny 3 ea
OFF June 19, 2014 Waldmeister mit Vanillasoße 90.000 Zeny 4 ea
OFF June 19, 2014 S> HE Elu x50 L/O 130.000 Zeny 78 ea
OFF June 18, 2014 leave game? 3.500 Zeny 19 ea
OFF June 9, 2014 S/T> Equip, Velum Claw L/O 5.000 Zeny 326 ea
OFF June 4, 2014 Stuffings 8.000 Zeny 17 ea
OFF June 3, 2014 Morpheus/Morrigane/Blade+10/Axe+10 c 10.000 Zeny 79 ea
OFF May 26, 2014 Strawberry Store 500.000 Zeny 12 ea
OFF May 16, 2014 Item 14.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 12, 2014 S> Ungoliant Card L/O 14.000 Zeny 357 ea
OFF May 3, 2014 Ein Hoch auf uns! 15.000 Zeny 33 ea
OFF April 25, 2014 Cards & Co L/O 20.000 Zeny 40 ea
OFF April 25, 2014 Bubble&Lucky 1.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 19, 2014 Stiletto, Wooden Mail, Electric Wire 12.500 Zeny 4 ea
OFF April 18, 2014 T1 VVS Earth Claymore CHEAP 5.000 Zeny 46 ea
OFF April 17, 2014 Allerlei 4.900 Zeny 15 ea
OFF April 16, 2014 ClapegeBistouq!? 350.000 Zeny 18 ea
OFF April 15, 2014 S> Elven ears [0] L/O 5.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF April 15, 2014 Strawberry, Orci.Vou. & Shell 15.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF April 14, 2014 Sachan 15.000 Zeny 8 ea
OFF April 12, 2014 stuff - buy or l/o 50.000 Zeny 45 ea
OFF March 28, 2014 embryo new costumes & more 777 Zeny 144 ea
OFF March 22, 2014 S>+7Dbl.Cri.Violet.F ench.FS5,S2 75.000 Zeny 46 ea
This page only contains prices and information about RO items on the Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo) only.
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 1
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