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Blue Herb - Amity! Ragnarok Marketwatch
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The market watch does not get updates any more. There are no plans on migrating it to the 4game server.
Blue Herb
Blue Herb
Blue Herb
Este ímtem ha sido ofrecido 1 veces en total, la vez pasada el 18 de July 2019
visto la última vez total Ø 7 dias Ø total precio de NPC (OC 10):
18 de July 2019 1 N/A 3.000 z
incl. Scam   3.000 z
37 z

Detalles del ítem

Blue Herb

estado vendedor precio cantidad
OFF 01 de May 2011 BH,Lunatic Egg,Elu,Fullplate o.Ares. 6.000 Zeny 18
OFF 01 de May 2011 xrcvz 5.800 Zeny 11
OFF 01 de May 2011 buy or die 5.998 Zeny 20
OFF 01 de May 2011 Christmas Box, Gofuu Kekkai 6.000 Zeny 119
OFF 01 de May 2011 stems and other stuff 6.000 Zeny 1
OFF 01 de May 2011 COSTUMES 3M 5.860 Zeny 23
OFF 01 de May 2011 gedöns 6.500 Zeny 11
OFF 01 de May 2011 SIEGE STUFF 6.000 Zeny 100
OFF 01 de May 2011 Chain(3) only 400k 6.000 Zeny 125
OFF 30 de April 2011 ogre tooth destroyed armor 5.500 Zeny 29
OFF 30 de April 2011 Archer Skeleton Card-Crimson Revolve 5.500 Zeny 148
OFF 30 de April 2011 Jewel, Weapon, Divers/Etc... 800 Zeny 1
OFF 30 de April 2011 Headgears and useables 5.799 Zeny 256
OFF 30 de April 2011 FABRIC 5.500 Zeny 978
OFF 30 de April 2011 Gofuu & Ura, Ygg Seed, Slt Emblem 5.400 Zeny 1
OFF 30 de April 2011 Have a look! 5.400 Zeny 62
OFF 30 de April 2011 2 4.500 Zeny 41
OFF 30 de April 2011 Bloody Branch 5.500 Zeny 117
OFF 30 de April 2011 SIEGE EQUIP ALCOHOL VALHALA 6.000 Zeny 9
OFF 30 de April 2011 cards again 5.490 Zeny 393
OFF 30 de April 2011 Skel Worker Card 13m! 5.499 Zeny 70
OFF 30 de April 2011 S>Skel Archer card !!! 120M 5.000 Zeny 365
OFF 29 de April 2011 Ezalia's 6.000 Zeny 22
OFF 29 de April 2011 Marc 5m900k sworfish 390k!!!! 5.500 Zeny 81
OFF 29 de April 2011 Elu herbs 6.700 Zeny 159
OFF 29 de April 2011 B> Majestic Goat PM Offer 5.500 Zeny 14
OFF 29 de April 2011 Coating,Bomb,Plant,Embryo,LordsCloth 5.740 Zeny 12
OFF 29 de April 2011 Fanta's Shop 5.000 Zeny 15
OFF 29 de April 2011 CK DEX+6 190M ONLYYYYY !!!!!!!!! 5.999 Zeny 228
OFF 29 de April 2011 +7Beer Hat // Cards 5.600 Zeny 448
Ésta página solo contiene informaciones y precios para ítemes de Ragnarok perteneciendo al servidor Ragnarok Online Europe (fRo)
63.108 Ítemes an la base de datos ultima actualisación : 12 de August 2019 a las 09:29
40.193 vendedores en la base de datos visitors online: 5
Alemán Inglés Francés Español Italian Turquía Idioma Version de la página: 2.2.1
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