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Explosion Card
Explosion Card
Explosion Card
questo oggetto è stato offerto2 volte, l'ultima July 10, 2019
visto l'ultima volta totale Ø 7 giorni Ø totale prezzo del NPC (OC 10):
July 10, 2019 2 N/A 7.475.000 z
con scam   7.475.000 z

dettagli dell' oggetto

Explosion Card footgear of Dragon Slayer

status mercante prezzo quantità
OFF June 1, 2014 T> vs. BBs or L/O (Add 6x0 for a/s) 5.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 30, 2014 S>+8TriplKingbird TwinE.Red 400m 3.500.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 28, 2014 Cards / OBB 4.000.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF May 23, 2014 x_X 4.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 20, 2014 S> Alice Card 5.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 19, 2014 BBs, Lucky Rice & Cards 5.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 18, 2014 Beer Hat 15.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 16, 2014 The best prieces !! 4.500.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 16, 2014 Orc L/ Spore/ Drain/ Necacle/ Snip G 4.500.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 16, 2014 Elu & Ori / Guarantee +8 4.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 15, 2014 Costumes and more 4.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 12, 2014 Ogre Tooth/Cards 6.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 8, 2014 TT White Slims 12k 3.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 4, 2014 marc card 4.800.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 4, 2014 MvP Loot 2 3.500.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 2, 2014 Allerleih 2.900.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF May 1, 2014 B> +9 Power Earring Shadow L/O/N 2.900.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 30, 2014 Take it 2.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 30, 2014 * WildCardz: Footgear 4.999.999 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 30, 2014 S>+7ShipCpt/+7ImmuBB/SkullCap 1.990.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 28, 2014 S>+7ImmNyd/+7HolyOrleansR(Dex+4) 2.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 26, 2014 schmiedezeugs unso... 10.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 23, 2014 Kaho 3.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 22, 2014 115SB N>Party/Clown4Leech 92-115 7.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 19, 2014 gold, stuff and more 3.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 18, 2014 The Pet Store 3.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 14, 2014 OLD CARDS (Auchan) !!!! 4.499.999 Zeny 2 ea
OFF April 8, 2014 cards etc. 4.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 7, 2014 cheAP 15.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
OFF April 4, 2014 Marc Card and stuff.. 2.000.000 Zeny 1 ea
Questa pagina fornisce prezzi e informazioni solo su oggetti di Ro sul server Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo)
63.108 oggetti nel database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 mercanti nel database visitatori online: 2
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