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L' AmityBot è al momento offline o sta riscontrando problemi.
Se i server sono online,per favore siate pazienti -è possibile che il funzionamento del bot stia venendo aggiornato in questo momento.
questo oggetto è stato offerto1 volte, l'ultima August 4, 2019
visto l'ultima volta totale Ø 7 giorni Ø totale prezzo del NPC (OC 10):
August 4, 2019 1 N/A 6.000 z
con scam   6.000 z
62 z

dettagli dell' oggetto


status mercante prezzo quantità
OFF June 4, 2011 dBranch, rJelly, bHerb 1.500 Zeny 43 ea
OFF June 4, 2011 Bubbles and Luckies 1.500 Zeny 375 ea
OFF June 4, 2011 Cards // Mink Coat 1.500 Zeny 48 ea
OFF June 4, 2011 S>+4 Diligent Ice Pick [1] L/O 1.450 Zeny 10 ea
OFF June 4, 2011 4H Bubble, Elu, Gold 1.500 Zeny 31 ea
OFF June 4, 2011 24h BBL/honey/RJ/StarCrumb/Cooking 1.250 Zeny 11 ea
OFF June 4, 2011 LiveCoal/Undershirt 1.400 Zeny 63 ea
OFF June 4, 2011 GreatNature4k CHEAP 1.200 Zeny 375 ea
OFF June 3, 2011 BB 29m 1.800 Zeny 17 ea
OFF June 3, 2011 AliceDoll/BennitDoll/SorinDoll/RJCFl 1.600 Zeny 65 ea
OFF June 3, 2011 S> Bio3 leech td 18-22 1.000 Zeny 14 ea
OFF June 3, 2011 Stem / Iron / YggBerry 1.400 Zeny 261 ea
OFF June 3, 2011 Gofu 12m white blue herb obb 1.500 Zeny 57 ea
OFF June 3, 2011 Lucky 4h - cheap! :3 1.000 Zeny 247 ea
OFF June 3, 2011 All and Nothing^^ 1.200 Zeny 7 ea
OFF June 2, 2011 TT Blues CHEAP!! 1.300 Zeny 297 ea
OFF June 2, 2011 C There Is Something,WitchShoes,Tran 1.500 Zeny 250 ea
OFF June 2, 2011 Cheap RainbowS,Horn, Iron 1.200 Zeny 10 ea
OFF June 2, 2011 peco card 25m 1.200 Zeny 96 ea
OFF June 2, 2011 Elfs Arrow Quiver 10k, Cards, ... 1.700 Zeny 164 ea
OFF June 1, 2011 100% Cheapest Shop 1.500 Zeny 14 ea
OFF June 1, 2011 crap and more crap 1.500 Zeny 68 ea
OFF June 1, 2011 B>Imperial Spear L/O 1.000 Zeny 28 ea
OFF May 31, 2011 Horn C. Double Bound, Mystic Frozen 1.500 Zeny 7 ea
OFF May 31, 2011 ELU 222k 1.300 Zeny 8 ea
OFF May 31, 2011 Stuff 1.800 Zeny 31 ea
OFF May 30, 2011 ID 5601 1.400 Zeny 12 ea
OFF May 30, 2011 Stem / BlueHerb / Iron / AloeLeaflet 1.200 Zeny 12 ea
OFF May 30, 2011 Gofuu / R. Ori / Stems 1.200 Zeny 69 ea
OFF May 30, 2011 Cards,Magma-Fist 1.500 Zeny 249 ea
Questa pagina fornisce prezzi e informazioni solo su oggetti di Ro sul server Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo)
63.108 oggetti nel database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 mercanti nel database visitatori online: 0
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