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Blue Herb - Amity! Ragnarok Marketwatch
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Blue Herb
Blue Herb
Blue Herb
this item has been offered 1 times, last July 18, 2019
last seen total Ø 7 days Ø total price at NPC (OC 10):
July 18, 2019 1 N/A 3.000 z
with scam   3.000 z
37 z

details of single items

Blue Herb

status merchant price amount
OFF April 3, 2011 S>BlackRosary,MCA,RoFL,OrleansGlove 5.500 Zeny 2 ea
OFF April 3, 2011 WSS, Unfrozen, Piercing Staff, LTD, 6.400 Zeny 22 ea
OFF April 3, 2011 Stem 1K / Blue Herb 5K 5.000 Zeny 2 ea
OFF April 3, 2011 Cards, Equipment, etc 6.000 Zeny 14 ea
OFF April 3, 2011 +7Manteau[1]-Vadon Card-Peco²C. 5.500 Zeny 10 ea
OFF April 3, 2011 Mixxed 700 Zeny 7 ea
OFF April 3, 2011 c magestic goat....usw 6.000 Zeny 24 ea
OFF April 3, 2011 Guyaks / Cranial Valk 6.000 Zeny 48 ea
OFF April 3, 2011 +7 Spiky Band Buy or L/O 5.500 Zeny 64 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 Cart Cleaning 6.300 Zeny 54 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 Stem/Blue Herb and more :D 5.900 Zeny 11 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 Matyr & More 6.299 Zeny 106 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 r.elu12k/stem1k/emp220k 6.100 Zeny 100 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 Stem, Cards & Stuff 6.000 Zeny 50 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 +9 Equipment 5.000 Zeny 69 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 BlueHerbs 5.999 Zeny 52 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 ID 2899 6.500 Zeny 102 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 RO=R+O=RagnarokOnline 5.000 Zeny 9 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 Oridecon 6.100 Zeny 334 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 ray card 45m 6.000 Zeny 550 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 --STEM BHERB SPORE BOTTLE-- 6.200 Zeny 23 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 mon échoppe (LOL) 5.495 Zeny 50 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 OCA 16.5m 5.500 Zeny 16 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 +6 EXP Shadows sets!!!! 70m/ea 6.000 Zeny 345 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 Everything 1Z! 6.200 Zeny 2 ea
OFF April 2, 2011 Regen SP 5.000 Zeny 3 ea
OFF April 1, 2011 Bloody Branch 5.400 Zeny 557 ea
OFF April 1, 2011 YggBerry 5.500 Zeny 68 ea
OFF April 1, 2011 Blue Herbs 5.900 Zeny 12 ea
OFF April 1, 2011 STEM,HONEY - Very Cheap! Buy or Cry! 3.999 Zeny 9 ea
This page contains prices and information about availability for Ragnarok Online items on the fRo Server only
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 0
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