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Iron - Amity! Ragnarok Marketwatch
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The market watch does not get updates any more. There are no plans on migrating it to the 4game server.
this item has been offered 1 times, last August 4, 2019
last seen total Ø 7 days Ø total price at NPC (OC 10):
August 4, 2019 1 N/A 6.000 z
with scam   6.000 z
62 z

details of single items


status merchant price amount
OFF August 3, 2011 Heart Wing 1.000 Zeny 152 ea
OFF August 2, 2011 Vending 2.000 Zeny 39 ea
OFF August 2, 2011 CheapEquip/ElderBrench 1.000 Zeny 12 ea
OFF August 2, 2011 B>robo eye 50m 1.100 Zeny 153 ea
OFF August 2, 2011 Cards and more! 1.500 Zeny 197 ea
OFF August 1, 2011 Herbs, roughs, Stuff 1.500 Zeny 26 ea
OFF August 1, 2011 STEm/Rough Elu/iron/embryo 1.500 Zeny 13 ea
OFF August 1, 2011 BFB / Auger / +20VIT / Marc / Vanber 20.000 Zeny 140 ea
OFF August 1, 2011 bb,db,cards,taming 1.500 Zeny 5 ea
OFF July 31, 2011 Giant Shield 4.000 Zeny 174 ea
OFF July 31, 2011 1000000 1.200 Zeny 115 ea
OFF July 29, 2011 stem, wss 2.000 Zeny 25 ea
OFF July 28, 2011 All the smexy things 1.200 Zeny 19 ea
OFF July 27, 2011 CHEAPEST STUFF IN TOWN 1.450 Zeny 53 ea
OFF July 27, 2011 Cards & more :3 1.200 Zeny 35 ea
OFF July 27, 2011 ^^ 1.400 Zeny 38 ea
OFF July 27, 2011 mep.. 1.500 Zeny 46 ea
OFF July 25, 2011 STEM 2.000 Zeny 8 ea
OFF July 25, 2011 Equip/herbs/card/tam 1.750 Zeny 94 ea
OFF July 25, 2011 .oO(Blubb)Oo. 1.900 Zeny 104 ea
OFF July 25, 2011 BUY>dia manteau L/O 1.000 Zeny 59 ea
OFF July 25, 2011 Mi Gao Card and Stuff :D 1.700 Zeny 618 ea
OFF July 24, 2011 ! 1.000 Zeny 8 ea
OFF July 24, 2011 Foire fouille 500 Zeny 18 ea
OFF July 24, 2011 stuffff 1.999 Zeny 4 ea
OFF July 24, 2011 GAs 1.499 Zeny 21 ea
OFF July 24, 2011 128 Gen or 158 Bragi iP (+SP) N>Part 999 Zeny 93 ea
OFF July 24, 2011 WSS,Fabric,RJ,Coal,Yellow Gems 1.500 Zeny 6 ea
OFF July 23, 2011 Hiding/Ori/Steel/Binocular/Iron 1.699 Zeny 440 ea
OFF July 22, 2011 kauft alles 1.188 Zeny 188 ea
This page contains prices and information about availability for Ragnarok Online items on the fRo Server only
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 1
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