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Red Potion
Red Potion
Red Potion
this item has been offered 1 times, last July 28, 2019
last seen total Ø 7 days Ø total price at NPC (OC 10):
July 28, 2019 1 N/A 40 z
with scam   40 z
31 z

details of single items

status merchant price amount
OFF July 12, 2011 BUY ore L/O 45 Zeny 55 ea
OFF July 2, 2011 Gun Powder,P.Spore,Book,Explosive P. 41 Zeny 239 ea
OFF June 30, 2011 Cards Cheap ! 48 Zeny 351 ea
OFF June 26, 2011 Skel-bone,Juices,Pspore,Detrimi 42 Zeny 34 ea
OFF June 23, 2011 Oridecon => 60k/u Stem other 40 Zeny 483 ea
OFF June 23, 2011 VeritC,ImmHearts,bHerbs 42 Zeny 149 ea
OFF June 21, 2011 infiltrator +4 40 Zeny 177 ea
OFF June 21, 2011 look in and buy 42 Zeny 232 ea
OFF unknown Reds 45 Zeny 70 ea
OFF June 19, 2011 Isabella, Alicel, Skogul :3 46 Zeny 500 ea
OFF June 18, 2011 Reds/Whites/Concs/Awas/OBB 40 Zeny 148 ea
OFF June 16, 2011 andre card 1.4m 50 Zeny 690 ea
OFF June 9, 2011 CHEAP LOOOT!! 45 Zeny 300 ea
OFF June 9, 2011 stem/spore/herbs 45 Zeny 145 ea
OFF June 2, 2011 +9MysticBB/ C Blessing 44 Zeny 99 ea
OFF June 2, 2011 %%%%%%%% 50 Zeny 285 ea
OFF May 30, 2011 Hydra/HP/SP/DB/Stem/ImmoH/Obb 44 Zeny 337 ea
OFF May 28, 2011 Cards, Pots and DBs 37 Zeny 1000 ea
OFF May 25, 2011 Zum hüpfenden Lamm 46 Zeny 600 ea
OFF May 21, 2011 Gym Pass 10.5m 40 Zeny 718 ea
OFF May 18, 2011 Crystal & Loot 45 Zeny 21 ea
OFF May 14, 2011 Thief Clothes+3Agi Coat+3dex Spore + 42 Zeny 250 ea
OFF May 11, 2011 Chain(3) only 400k 777.777 Zeny 5 ea
OFF May 11, 2011 Stem 3.5k 40 Zeny 6 ea
OFF May 11, 2011 chainmail+2agi+porcellio 45 Zeny 75 ea
OFF May 8, 2011 trululu shop 45 Zeny 182 ea
OFF May 1, 2011 Heute 35 Zeny 38 ea
OFF April 30, 2011 MIMIC CARD 899k !!! 28 Zeny 166 ea
OFF April 30, 2011 Lol~ 45 Zeny 499 ea
OFF April 29, 2011 0,0 45 Zeny 100 ea
This page only contains prices and information about RO items on the Ragnarok Online Europe Server (fRo) only.
63.108 items in database last loaded: : August 12, 2019 at 09:29
40.193 merchants in database visitors online: 0
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